Saturday, January 1, 2011

I don't wanna waste your time...

"When we learn to wait for our Lord's lead in everything, we shall know the strength that finds its climax in an even, steady walk. Many of us are lacking in the strength we so covet. But God gives full power for every task He appoints. Waiting, holding oneself true to His lead--this is the secret of strength. And anything that falls out of the line of obedience is a waste of time and strength. Watch for His leading." --S. D. Gordon


  1. I think I need a big poster with this quote on it right on my mirror! I love "waiting, holding oneself true to His lead--this is the secret of strength" It goes against everything that society tells us! Strength isn't usually associated with leaning on someone. He does give us the power to endure anything that comes our way. Thanks for the encouragement Cari!

  2. Happy to share what has been so graciously been bestowed on me. xo
